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Mexico Vacations

This outfitter specializes in custom birdwatching tours in the Mexican states of Sonora, Sinaloa and Chihuahua. You can enjoy the beautiful birds in their natural environment with no more than 8 other customers. Our tour includes birdwatching in different ecosystems; the deserts, the rivers, the mountains, the lake, hot springs and the Sea of Cortez. You can even take a tour in and around the famous Copper Canyon including Urique and Batopilas canyons.


You will travel in 15 passenger cans and use the FerroMex passenger train when touring Copper Canyon.


Over 1000 species of birds have been identified in northern Mexico including: Bare-Throated Tiger Herons, Rufescent Herons, Great Blue Herons, Great Black Hawks, Solitary Eagles, White Tailed Hawk, Bat Falcons, Laughing Falcons, Crested Caracaras, Scaled Quail, Montezuma Quail, Sora, Claper Rail, Lilac-Crowded Parrots,

White-Fronted Parrots, Military Macaws, Great Roadrunners, Mangrove Cuckoos, Squirrel Cuckoos. From the Hummingbird family we have: Brod Bille, White Eared, Berylline, Violed, etc. Eared Quetzal, Russet-Crowned Motmot, Belted and Green Kingfisher, and many more.
Contact us for price information and availability
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All bookings based on availability and all prices subject to change without notice.